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Having finished second year of University, I have started placement year and have begun to work with companies to gain experience and an insight into the costume industry.

  • Wicked- Currently working as Wardrobe Assistant at the Palace Theatre (Manchester) on the muscical Wicked.

  • BBC -  Costume Tainee on the Children's Talent show Television programme 'THE SLAMMER'.

  • Yorkshire Sculpture Park - To celebrate the work of Yinka Shonibare, I worked as part of a group to create a selection of children's dresses based on the styles of the 1850's. We have used bold colours to echo his work. In the embroidery and print of the dresses we have tried to highlight environmental issues within the textile industry, mass production and packaging which includes the use of plastic bags. In order to create a visual impact we have used washcare symbols for our main print which highlights the changes between the 1850's when clothes were made from simple cottons and handwashed and today's clothes where many fabrics are man made and cleaning is done with chemicals and detergents, which can also cause issues within the environment.

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